Families of Southeastern Georgia Excerpted from Georgia's Coastal Plain: Family and Personal History - Jack N. Averitt - Books - Clearfield - 9780806350998 - June 30, 2009
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Families of Southeastern Georgia Excerpted from Georgia's Coastal Plain: Family and Personal History

Jack N. Averitt

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Families of Southeastern Georgia Excerpted from Georgia's Coastal Plain: Family and Personal History

The Coastal Plain of Georgia is comprised of the following 40 counties situated in the southeastern region of the state: Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, Coffee, Columbia, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Glynn, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson, Laurens, Liberty, Long, McDuffie, McIntosh, Montgomery, Pierce, Richmond, Screven, Tattnall, Telfair, Toombs, Treutlen, Ware, Warren, Washington, Wayne, and Wheeler. The Georgia cities of Savannah, Brunswick, and Augusta also fall within this region.

Families of Southeastern Georgia is a reprint of the third and final volume of Dr. Averitt's 1964 publication, Georgia's Coastal Plain: Family and Personal History. Since Volume III consists solely of biographies and, to a lesser extent, genealogical information, about Coastal Plain luminaries and their families, and since Volumes I and II are strictly historical in nature, Clearfield has chosen to reprint only that portion of the three-volume opus that holds greatest importance for genealogists.

The contents of the roughly 1,000 sketches arranged here (reprinted without original illustrations) bear a resemblance to those found in scores of other mugbooks published by the Lewis Historical Publishing Company. Each sketch gives the subject's place and date of birth, his educational background and military service, and then his career, civic interests, church affiliation, hobbies, and so on. In almost every case, the author furnishes the names of the subject's parents, spouse, children, and spouse's parents, usually citing the subject's date of marriage and the dates or places of birth and death of at least these three generations of family members. In some cases, the subject's lineage can be traced back to the Civil War. Following are the names of the persons featured in the biographical sketches:

Aaron, Abbott, Abernathy, Achenbach, Ackerman, Ackley, Adams, Adkins, Adler, Ahersom, Aiken, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Altman, Anderson, Andrews, Ansley, Arden, Armstead, Armstrong, Arnett, Arnsdorff, Ashmore, Askew, Atkinson, Attaway, Austin, Autry, Averitt, Aycock, Bacon, Baker, Baldwin, Banghart, Barber, Barfield, Barland, Barley, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhill, Barrett, Bass, Batchelor, Bates, Baugh, Bazemore, Beall, Bean, Beasley, Beck, Beckham, Beckum, Beckwith, Bedell, Bell, Bennett, Benson, Benton, Bergen, Bessonette, Biggers, Bird, Bishop, Black, Blake, Blalock, Blanchard, Bland, Blanton, Blitch, Blocker, Blue, Blunt, Boaen, Boddiford, Boggs, Bohler, Boissoneault, Boone, Booth, Borrow, Bouhan, Bousquet, Bowen, Boyd, Boyer, Braddy, Bradley, Bradsher, Brady, Branch, Brannan, Brannen, Brantley, Brasington, Braswell, Braw, Breckenridge, Breen, Brennan, Brenner, Brewton, Brice, Bright, Brinson, Britt, Brittingham, Brockway, Brooker, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Brumit, Brunson, Bryan, Bryans, Bryant, Buchanan, Buck, Budreau, Buie, Bull, Bullard, Bullock, Bunch, Bunting, Burch, Burden, Burke, Burkhalter, Burns, Burton, Butler, Byers, Cail, Caines, Calhoun, Callaway, Cammack, Campbell, Canady, Cannon, Carlton, Carpenter, Carr, Carswell, Carter, Cash, Cason, Cassels, Cassidy, Castleberry, Caswell, Cates, Cave, Cay, Chambless, Chance, Chapman, Cheatham, Cheney, Cheshire, Chestnut, Chichester, Childress, Chisolm, Christie, Clancy, Clark, Clarke, Claussen, Clement, Cline, Clubb, Cobb, Cobble, Cochran, Cody, Coffey, Coleman, Collins, Colliinsworth, Collum, Colson, Colvin, Comeau, Cone, Conger, Converse, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Corbett, Cordell, Cornely, Cornwall, Courson, Courtney, Covington, Cowan, Coward, Cowart, Cox, Coyle, Crandall, Cranford, Cranman, Crapps, Craven, Crawford, Creamer, Crews, Critz, Crockett, Croghan, Crowell, Crummey, Culpepper, Cunningham, Curry, Dame, Danforth, Daniel, Daniell, Daniels, d'Antignac, Darby, Dasher, Daugharty, Daughtry, Davis, Dawson, Deal, Dean, Dearing, Dedge, Deen, Dekle, De Loach, Demere, Dene, Denmark, Denney, Dennis, Denton, Derrick, Derst, De Vane, Dicksen, Dillard, Dixon, Dobbs, Dockery, Dodd, Dodson, Doherty, Dollahan, Donaldson, Donovan, Doran, Dorman, Doster, Douglas, Douglass, Dowell, Dowling, Downing, Downs, Draughon, Drawdy, Drinkwater, Drupiewski, Dubberly, Dugger, Dukes, Dulany, Dunnaway, Dupuy, Durant, Durden, Durham, Durrence, Dyess, Dykes, Eason, Easterling, Eaton, Eck, Edenfield, Edgy, Edleman, Edwards, Egbert, Eitel, Eldridge, Elkins, Ellis, Ellison, Embry, Engel, Enneis, Ennie, Epps, Erban, Erickson, Eskedor, Ethridge, Eubank, Evans, Everett, Ewaldsen, Ewing, Faircloth, Fairman, Farmer, Farr, Fawcett, Feldman, Fendig, Fesperman, Fetty, Fields, Fine, Fisher, Flanders, Fleming, Floyd, Fogarty, Folsom, Ford, Forston, Foster, Fowler, Foy, Frankhouseer, Franklin, Frazier, Freeman, Frick, Frier, Fulcher, Fulghum, Fuller, Fuqua, Furlong, Furse, Gaddy, Garrett, Gaskens, Gawthrop, Gay, Gear, Geiger, Gerbing, Gibbs, Gibson, Gignilliat, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gill, Gillican, Gillis, Gilmore, Ginn, Glaser, Glass, Glouer, Gnann, Godbee, Godwin, Gooding, Gould, Gowen, Grace, Graham, Graves, Gray, Greene, Greenfield, Grice, Griffin, Griffis, Grimball, Griner, Groff, Groover, Gross, Groves, Grunsfeld, Gruver, Guerry, Gulley, Guthrie, Haar, Hagin, Hagler, Haile, Hall, Hallman, Ham, Hamilton, Hammond, Hampton, Hancock, Hannan, Hansen, Harbin, Harden, Hardin, Hardman, Hardwick, Hargreaves, Harper, Harrell, Harrington, Harriott, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartwell, Harvey, Haskell, Hatch, Hatten, Hawes, Hawkes, Haymans, Head, Heard, Heath, Heck, Heidt, Helmly, Helms, Henderson, Hendricks, Hendry, Henry, Hensley, Henson, Hernandez, Herrin, Hester, Heyer, Higgins, Higgs, Hightower, Hill, Hilliard, Hillyer, Hilton, Hinesley, Hinson, Hirsch, Hixon, Hobbs, Hodges, Hogan, Holladay, Holland, Hollifield, Holloway, Holm, Holmes, Honeycutt, Hood, Hook, Hooks, Hope, Hopkins, Horne, Horner, Horton, Houck, Houstoun, Howard, Howden, Howe, Howell, Hoyle, Hudgings, Hughes, Hulsey, Humphries, Hundley, Hunter, Hurst, Hussey, Hutchinson, Ihly, Iler, Ingram, Irwin, Ivey, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacobson, James, Jamieson, Jamison, Jarrell, Javetz, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Jerrigan, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Judkins, Jugan, Justice, Kearse, Keith, Keller, Kelly, Kennedy, Kennemer, Kent, Kerr, Kessel, Kessler, Kicklighter, Kiernan, Kimker, King, Kirbo, Kirkland, Kitchens, Kitchings, Kittredge, Kline, Klug, Knox, Kraft, Kravitch, Kruse, Kuerzi, Kuhlke, Kuntz, Ladson, La Favor, Lambert, Lamkin, Lancaster, Lane, Lang, Lanier, Lankford, Larkins, Lasseter, Lattimore, Lawrence, Laws, Lawson, Layfield, Leaf, LeBay, Ledbetter, Lee, Le Hardy, Leonard, Lester, Letts, Levy, Lewis, Lientz, Lilienthal, Lindblad, Lindsey, Little, Livingston, Locke, Lokey, Long, Loper, Lorimer, Lott, Lovett, Low, Lowe, Loy, Lubs, Lynah, Lynn, MacKrell, MacLaren, MacLean, Macon, Maddox, Mallard, Malone, Mancil, Manning, Mansfield, Manson, Martin, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Mattox, Mauer, Mauney, Maxwell, May, Maye, Maynard, Mayo, Mazo, McAfee, McAllister, McArthur, McCall, McCann, McCarthy, McCauley, McCleland, McClelland, McClesky, McClurkin, McCollough, McCook, McCord, McCorkle, McCormick, McCracken, McCurdy, McDonald, McDonough, McDowell, McDuffee, McElveen, McFather, McGee, McGoogan, McGowan, McIntire, McIntosh, McIver, McLamb, McLendon, McMannon, McMaster, McMillan, McNamara, McNatt, McRae, McWhorter, Meacham, Meaders, Meadows, Meagher, Meeks, Melanson, Menchew, Mercer, Merry, Meyers, Middleton, Miles, Milhollin, Miller, Mills, Mims, Minchew, Minchey, Mincy, Mingledorff, Minson, Minton, Mitchell, Mixon, Mizell, Mobley, Mock, Moody, Mooney, Moore, Mooty, Moran, Morel, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Mosely, Muench, Mulling, Mullis, Murphy, Murray, Musgrove, Myers, Nathan, Nation, Neal, Nease, Neese, Nelson, Nesmith, Nessmith, Nevil, Newman, Newsom, Newsome, Newton, Nichols, Nixon, Nobles, Norman, November, O'Berry, O'Brien, Obuchowski, O'Connor, Odom, Odum, Oelschig, Ogletree, O'Hayre, Olliff, Olsen, O'Quinn, Orne, Osborne, Otwell, Overall, Overstreet, Oxnard, Ozaki, Pace, Padgett, Pafford, Paine, Palmer, Papygeorge, Parish, Parker, Parkerson, Parr, Parrish, Parse, Partin, Pascal, Paschal, Patchen, Pate, Patrick, Patterson, Pattor, Paul, Paulk, Peabody, Peacock, Pearson, Peavy, Peeples, Pengidore, Penton, Perkins, Perritt, Perry, Peters, Pfeiffer, Phillips, Phinizy, Pickett, Pidcock, Pierce, Pierpont, Pierson, Pinckney, Pindar, Pirkle, Pitts, Plexico, Poindexter, Ponsell, Pool, Poole, Poppell, Poston, Powell, Powers, Prescott, Preston, Price, Proctor, Prosser, Prudom, Pruitt, Pryor, Puckett, Purcell, Quaney, Quarterman, Quick, Quinn, Rackley, Pagland, Rainaud, Rambo, Randall, Randolph, Raney, Rauers, Raulerson, Rausch, Ravenel, Rawlings, Ray, Rayburn, Read, Readdick, Reddish, Reese, Register, Rewis, Rhoden, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richter, Rickert, Ricketts, Rigdon, Riggens, Riley, Rimes, Ritch, Ritchie, Riverbark, Rizer, Roberts, Robertson, Robeson, Robinson, Rockett, Reddenberry, Roebling, Rogers, Rose, Rossman, Roth, Rountree, Rouse, Rowand, Rowe, Rowell, Rowland, Rozier, Rudderman, Rue, Rushing, Russell, Ryle, Ryon, Salters, Sancken, Sanders, Sanford, Satterfield, Saunders Sayler, Scarboro, Schaffer, Schofield, Schofill, Schultz, Schuster, Scott, Scurry, Seaman, Seckinger, Selman, Seney, Sessoms, Sewell, Shadron, Shank, Sharpe, Sharpley, Shearouse, Sheeler, Sheffield, Shelnutt, Shepard, Sheppard, Sherman, Sherouse, Shindell, Shirokawa, Shivar, Shoemaker, Shuman, Shupe, Sickel, Sigman, Sikes, Simkins, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sipple, Sirmans, Skinner, Slusky, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snipes, Snook, Snow, Socorro, Solana, Solms, Sorrier, Southard, Southwell, Spalding, Spann, Sparkman, Spears, Speir, Spell, Spence, Spencer, Sprague, Springfield, Stafford, Stallings, Stanfield, Stanley, Starling, Steedley, Steere, Steinkamp, Stephens, Sterling, Stevens, Steward, Stockwell, Stokes, Stone, Storey, Stoy, Strachan, Strickland, Strobhar, Stubbs, Stuckey, Sullivan, Summer, Summerall, Summerlin, Surrency, Sweat, Talbot, Talmadge, Tannehill, Tanner, Tarbutton, Tate, Tatum, Taylor, Tefft, Teixeira, Temoshchuk, Templeton, Terry, Thiele, Thomas, Thompson, Thornhill, Thornton, Thrift, Thurston, Thwaite, Tillman, Timbes, Timms, Tison, Todd, Tootle, Towill, Townsend, Train, Trapnell, Treado, Treadway, Trey, Tribble, Trippe, Trosdal, Troutman, Trowell, Trusdell, Tuberville, Turner, Tuten, Tuttle, Tyre, Tyson, Tyus, Underwood, Upchurch, Usher, Utley, Van Diviere, Van Giesen, Van Osbree, Varn, Varnell, Vaughn, Vickery, Vines, Wachtel, Wade, Wahlstrom, Wainwright, Waites, Walker, Wall, Wallis, Walthour, Walton, Wannamaker, Wardlow, Warnell, Warren, Wasden, Waters, Watford, Watkins, Watson, Way, Weatherly, Webb, Weber, Weeks, Weigle, Welch, Welcox, Weldon, Wells, Weltch, Wessels, Westberry, Wheeler, Wheless, Whitaker, White, Whitehurst, Whitney, Whittle, Wiggins, Wiggs, Wilburn, Wilder, Wildes, Wilensky, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkie, Wilkins, Willard, Williams, Williamson, Willingham, Willis, Wilson, Winburn, Windham, Winn, Winter, Wise, Wiseman, Wofford, Wolbert, Womack, Womble, Wood, Woodall, Woodard, Woodcock, Woods, Wooten, Worsham, Wright, Wylly, Yarborough, Yawn, Yeomand, Yeomans, Youmans, Young, Youngblood, Zachary, Zeagler, Zechman, Zeigler, Zell, Ziegler, and Zipperer.

Media Books     Paperback Book   (Book with soft cover and glued back)
Released June 30, 2009
ISBN13 9780806350998
Publishers Clearfield
Pages 460
Dimensions 150 × 230 × 20 mm   ·   607 g
Language English